avinayamapanaya viShNo damaya manaH shamaya viShayamR^igatR^iShNAM . bhUtadayAM vistAraya tAraya sa.nsArasAgarataH .. 1.. divyadhunImakarande parimalaparibhogasachchidAnande . shrIpatipadAravinde bhavabhayakhedachchhide vande .. 2.. satyapi bhedApagame nAtha tavAhaM na mAmakInastvaM . sAmudro hi tara~NgaH kvachana samudro na tAra~NgaH .. 3.. uddhR^itanaga nagabhidanuja danujakulAmitra mitrashashidR^iShTe . dR^iShTe bhavati prabhavati na bhavati kiM bhavatiraskAraH .. 4.. matsyAdibhiravatArairavatAravatA.avatA sadA vasudhAM . parameshvara paripAlyo bhavatA bhavatApabhIto.ahaM .. 5.. dAmodara guNamandira sundaravadanAravinda govinda . bhavajaladhimathanamandara paramaM daramapanaya tvaM me .. 6.. nArAyaNa karuNAmaya sharaNaM karavANi tAvakau charaNau . iti ShaTpadI madIye vadanasaroje sadA vasatu .. 7.. .. iti shrImad.h sha~NkarAchAryavirachitaM viShNuShaTpadIstotraM saMpUrNam.h .
Om Namo Narayana
Hari Om!!!
Hinduism is a great religion,and finds its roots back to the era of Satya Yuga,which saw the first deluge by Lord Siva for King Satrajit who was rescued along with the Saptarishis and other creatures by Bhagavan Satyanarayana.There has been blogs,homepages and websites dedicated to this great religion,but what makes this blog unique?
This blog contains lot of data,on Gods and Goddesses,saints and gurus,gives information about all temples all over the world,along with specific information on different dieties.This blog also has links to all spiritual pages which can be accessed right from this blog itself.
This blog also contains,youtube videos on kshetras,tirth,etc,so keep browsing this blog,and we hope that you enjoy your presence here.
R.Vishnu Sathyanarayana Iyer
Hari Om!!!
Hinduism is a great religion,and finds its roots back to the era of Satya Yuga,which saw the first deluge by Lord Siva for King Satrajit who was rescued along with the Saptarishis and other creatures by Bhagavan Satyanarayana.There has been blogs,homepages and websites dedicated to this great religion,but what makes this blog unique?
This blog contains lot of data,on Gods and Goddesses,saints and gurus,gives information about all temples all over the world,along with specific information on different dieties.This blog also has links to all spiritual pages which can be accessed right from this blog itself.
This blog also contains,youtube videos on kshetras,tirth,etc,so keep browsing this blog,and we hope that you enjoy your presence here.
R.Vishnu Sathyanarayana Iyer